Request for opinions - gvinum or ccd?

krad kraduk at
Sun May 31 22:13:23 UTC 2009

Yep, its also worth noting that with the capacities of drives these days you
should really use raidz2 in zfs (or some double parity raid on other
systems) if you are worried about data integrity. The reason being the odds
of the crc checking not detecting an error are much more likely these days.
The extra layer of parity pushes these odds into being much bigger

-----Original Message-----
From: Wojciech Puchar [mailto:wojtek at] 
Sent: 31 May 2009 22:57
To: xorquewasp at
Cc: krad; freebsd-hackers at
Subject: Re: Request for opinions - gvinum or ccd?

>> Would create a striped data set across da1  and da2
> What kind of performance gain can I expect from this? I'm purely thinking
> about performance now - the integrity checking stuff of ZFS is a pleasant
> extra.

with stripping - as much as with gstripe, ZFS do roughly the same.

with RAID-z - faster transfer, rougly same IOps as single disk. After i 
read ZFS papers i know that RAID-z is actually more like RAID-3 not RAID-5.

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