C99: Suggestions for style(9)

Zaphod Beeblebrox zbeeble at gmail.com
Fri May 1 20:48:48 UTC 2009

On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 4:30 AM, Julian Elischer <julian at elischer.org> wrote:

> As an old-fart I have found many cases where what I thought was
> a silly style rule, turned out to save my work in some way.
> Christoph Mallon wrote:
>>>    struct foo *fp;
>>>    struct bar *bp;
>>>    fp = get_foo();
>>>    if (!fp) return;
>>>    bp = fp->bp;
>>> this can't easily be translated to the more natural:
>>>    struct foo *fp = get_foo();
>>>    struct bar *bp = fp->bp;
> Well more natural for you, but not necessarily for everyone,
> and NOT the same as what is there now, as you noticed.
>>> since really you'd want to write:
>>>    struct foo *fp = get_foo();
>>>    if (!fp) return;
>>>    struct bar *bp = fp->bp;
>>> which isn't legal in 'C'.  However, we have enough where this isn't
>> You're mistaken, this is perfectly legal C. See ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E)
>> §6.8.2:1. In short: you can mix statements and declarations.
Sure, but it's still very  bad: If I'm not mistaken, this would mean that
"bp" would only be valid within the "if" clause --- which isn't very useful.

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