GNAT on FreeBSD amd64

xorquewasp at xorquewasp at
Sat Jun 13 10:16:53 UTC 2009

On 2009-06-13 01:42:05, Михаил Кипа wrote:
> I need gnat on FreeBSD 7.2 amd64, but in ports it is only for i386 :(. I have
> tired to compile cross compiler under linux, and now I can compile my ada
> programs under linux for FreeBSD, but I can`t compile native amd64 FreeBSD gcc.
> Can anybody help me with GNAT under amd64 FreeBSD?


A port is on the way, I'm working on it. I've also spoken to Karel Miklav, the
maintainer of the current lang/gnat-gcc ports with regards to updating them to
be amd64 compatible too.

I'm currently blocked waiting for a replacement for an RMA'd hard disk but
development will resume the minute it turns up.

Nice to see some interest in this port!

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