freebsd-update's install_verify routine excessive stating

Yoshihiro Ota ota at
Thu Jan 22 17:57:30 PST 2009


It's interesting. 

On Thu, 22 Jan 2009 13:17:41 +0100 (CET)
Oliver Fromme <olli at> wrote:

> Hi,
> So I would suggest to replace the whole pipe with this:
>    awk -F "|" '$2 ~ /^f/ {print $2}' "$@" |
>    sort -u > filelist
> It would be much better to generate two lists:
>  - The list of hashes, as already done ("filelist")
>  - A list of gzipped files present, stripped to the hash:
>    (cd files; echo *.gz) |
>    tr ' ' '\n' |
>    sed 's/\.gz$//' > filespresent
> Note we use "echo" instead of "ls", in order to avoid the
> kern.argmax limit.  64000 files would certainly exceed that
> limit.  Also note that the output is already sorted because
> the shell sorts wildcard expansions.
> Now that we have those two files, we can use comm(1) to
> find out whether there are any hashes in filelist that are
> not in filespresent:
>    if [ -n "$(comm -23 filelist filespresent)" ]; then
>            echo -n "Update files missing -- "
>            ...
>    fi
> That solution scales much better because no shell loop is
> required at all.

This will probably be the fastest.

awk -F "|" '
  $2 ~ /^f/{required[$7]=$7; count++}
   while("find files -name *.gz" | getline>0)
    if($2 in required)
  exit(count)}' "$@"

It verifies entries using hashtable instead of sort.
Therefore, it is O(n+m) instead of O(n*log(n))+O(m*log(m)) in theory.
I am not well aware how good awk's associate array is, though.


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