Need help trying to to use the ntohl() call with in_addr

bert wiley bertwiley at
Fri Aug 14 03:58:44 UTC 2009

Hi everyone

  Im new to list and this question may be out of place. This is my first
post. Im new to freebsd and trying to understand how to create a jail from
some system calls. I followed the jail subsystem description from the
handbook and im having a problem or may be using the call incorrectly. But
here is what im trying to do.

int main()
  struct in_addr ipaddr;
  struct jail myjail;

  char path[PATH_MAX];

  realpath("/tmp", path);

  myjail.version = 1;
  myjail.path = path;
  myjail.hostname = "testjail";

  const char *ip;
  ip = "";

  inet_aton(ip, &ipaddr);
  myjail.ip4 = ntohl(ipaddr.s_addr);   //  I get and error here, invalid
conversion from   _uint32_t' to in_addr*
  myjail.ip4 = ipaddr.s_addr;            // and and error here, invlid
conversion from in_addr_t to in_addr*

I know that there is more that needs to be done but this just a test stub as
im trying to work thru the calls and understand whats going on.
Any would be appreciated thanks.

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