question on asymmetric mtx_[un]lock_sleep

John Baldwin jhb at
Tue Sep 9 21:04:44 UTC 2008

On Thursday 04 September 2008 08:00:04 am Marc Lörner wrote:
> Hello,
> I just read through the code of mutexes and turnstiles
> and it seems to me that _mtx_lock_sleep and _mtx_unlock_sleep
> are some kind of asymmetric when turning SMP and adaptive mutexes
> on in kernel-configuration.
> On locking the mutex, we try to "quick" obtain the lock.
> If we can't do this, we look, whether some other thread, that's running,
> holds the lock and spin until either lock is freed or thread is not running 
> anymore. In that case we try again to obtain the lock "quick".
> If the thread only stopped running but still holds the lock, we use 
> to wake us up, when the thread unlocks the mutex.
> => That seems to be fine and quite symmetric with _mtx_unlock_sleep!!
> But if we're spinning and the other thread gave the mutex free, 
> we quick-lock the mutex and don't set up a turnstile.
> Now on mtx_unlock_sleep:
> - in FreeBSD6/until revision 1.200 turnstiles were tested on existence.
>   => if turnstile_lookup return NULL we only released the lock quick.
> - But now, it's never tested if turnstile exists instead we broadcast/wakeup
>   all threads pending on the turnstile. If this turnstile is NULL => we 
>   wrong memory.
> Now my question is: Why can we be sure (in new source) that turnstile_lookup 
> always returns a valid pointer to an turnstile and can use returned pointer 
> to call turnstile_broadcast? Am I missing something?
> Because it seems that following scenario may occur:
> - on locking same scenario as above (=> thread1 now holds the lock)
> - thread1 is put off the runqueue
> - thread2 now tries to quick unlock mutex and sees that thread1 holds it => 
> call to mtx_unlock_sleep
> - now we try to use turnstile-mechanism and call turnstile_lookup => returns 
> NULL because no thread waits for wakeup => we call turnstile_broadcast and 
> crash.

Newer locks don't set the CONTESTED flag unless they are actually going to go 
to sleep.  If they succeed in setting CONTESTED or it is already set when 
they test for it, then they will block on the turnstile.  The turnstile chain 
lock will prevent a concurrent unlock from grabbing the turnstile until the 
blocking thread is fully asleep.

John Baldwin

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