6.2R Patch to allow broken frames

Pyun YongHyeon pyunyh at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 20:50:28 PST 2008

On Tue, Jan 01, 2008 at 07:22:35PM +0100, Peter B wrote:
 > I had to debug an phy+fpga setup and found this patch that makes tx(4) to
 > allow broken/runt frames and includes both mac and crc32 useful.
 > Maybe this could be a feature in the network drivers? (or some)
 > I don't consider this production code. Rather a demo/suggestion.
 > The quick patch is to just do the changes to tx_if.c disregarding any IFF_*
 > flags.
 > Any information if this would interfere with normal operation would be welcome.
 >    /P

Some ethernet controllers allow receving broken frames but I'm not
sure whether it really helps on production box execept debugging aid.
Receving broken frames would waste PCI bandwidth as well as systems
resources as it would be dropped anyway in upper layer.
I guess you can see increasing input errors(if_ierrors) in case of
receving broken frames. Did the counter is not enough?

Pyun YongHyeon

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