cvs tag renaming after repo copy

John E Hein jhein at
Thu Feb 28 20:20:22 UTC 2008

Dag-Erling Smørgrav wrote at 20:36 +0100 on Feb 28, 2008:
 > Unfortunately, Apache is set up in such a manner that I can't set the
 > correct mime type (if I name it, it thinks it's a CGI script
 > and gives you a 403...)

Thanks.  I did something similar (not using cvs ops, but rather
directly munging the ,v file) with awk, but I had issues with binary
files.  I also didn't have any fancy exclude/include feature (nice!) or
try to guess which tags are vendor tags (it looks like you're just
trying to match a '.' - why does that make it a vendor tag?).

Minor issue...

syntax error at /tmp/jhein/fixtags line 68, near "&&"
syntax error at /tmp/jhein/fixtags line 68, near "@exclude)"
syntax error at /tmp/jhein/fixtags line 69, near "@include)"
syntax error at /tmp/jhein/fixtags line 74, near "} else"

--- fixtags.orig	2008-02-28 13:11:33.000000000 -0700
+++ fixtags	2008-02-28 13:10:16.000000000 -0700
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 	} elsif ($phase == 2) {
 	    if (m/^\t([^:]+):([0-9.]+);?\s*$/) {
 		$tag = $1;
-		if ($tag !~ m/\./ && # skip vendor tags
+		if ($tag !~ m/\./ # skip vendor tags
 		    && (!@exclude || !grep({ $_ eq $tag } @exclude))
 		    && (!@include || grep({ $_ eq $tag } @include))) {
 		    print("    $tag -> old_$tag\n")

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