Idea for FreeBSD

Anthony Pankov ap00 at
Thu Aug 7 09:36:46 UTC 2008

I wonder opinions on more general question:
Does somebody believe in necessity of separate infrastructure for

As for me i very dislike unclean of "what where located". Some
configuration lie in /etc, some in /usr/local/etc, some in
/usr/local/program_name. In addition there is own inclusions in
program conf's of some vital data/parameters located somewhere, not to
mention program binary, libraries and startup scripts.

What the shortest dump command that allow after fresh installation
restore full functionality?

So, i believe that clean rule of daemons(services) arrangement in
system more important than startup design.

May be rule that "all daemons should nest in /svc" can help.

For example,
/svc -mostly read
/svc/daemon_name -  daemon dir
/svc/daemon_name/bin/ - program itself
/svc/daemon_name/*.conf - configuration
/svc/daemon_name/data/ - data itself (mostly read, rarely write) + symlinks to real data
/svc/daemon_name/var2/*.conf - another configuration named var2 (for
another instance)
/svc/daemon_name/var2/data/ - data itself (mostly read, rarely write)
+ symlinks to real data another configuration named var2
/svc/daemon_name/cs/ - control scripts (startup/shutdown etc)

So, by design there is ability:
list all daemon (readdir /svc)
start / stop daemons:
 svc daemon_name start = (do a "/svc/daemon_name/cs/start")
use alternative configuration:
 svc daemon_name var2 start = (do a "/svc/daemon_name/cs/start -c var2")
dump all functionallity
 dump /svc

Thursday, August 07, 2008, 3:14:51 AM, you wrote:

wfc> To who it may concern,

wfc>    I am A FreeBSD administrator as well as a Solaris Administrator. I use
wfc> BSD at home but Solaris at work. I love both OS's but I would like to
wfc> increase the administrative capability of FreeBSD.

wfc>    In Solaris 10 the Services Management Facility (SMF) was introduced.
wfc> Basically what it does, is take all the rc.d scripts and puts them into
wfc> a database to manage. Everything is converted to XML and two basic
wfc> commands (svcs and svcadm) are used to manage everything.

wfc>    I would like to submit the idea of implementing a similar environment
wfc> into FreeBSD. After looking through the developers links and googling I
wfc> found no project for FreeBSD that implemented anything similar to this.
wfc> I have included a link below to give a better understanding of SMF and
wfc> its capabilities.

wfc>    Is it possible, if it does not exist already, to look at the
wfc> possibility of implementing the concept of SMF into FreeBSD? I would
wfc> gladly be an active supporter in this endeavor.

wfc> Will Bentley
wfc> Future CIS
wfc> 410-782-5954
wfc> "Your resource for computer expertise!"

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Best regards,
 Anthony                            mailto:ap00 at

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