USB key && kernel: da0: Attempt to query device size failed: UNIT ?ATTENTION, Medium not present

Oliver Fromme olli at
Wed Aug 6 17:30:09 UTC 2008

Matthias Apitz wrote:
 > I've updated usb/80361, see
 > because I have the same problem as well that an USB key attaches fine
 > when plugged in at boot time, but not later:

I'm just wondering what happens if you enforce a rescan
on the (virtual) SCSI bus.  That is, after you have
plugged in the USB stick and the problem occured, type
"camcontrol rescan 0".

If that doesn't help, please try this patch:

--- src/sys/dev/usb/umass.c.orig	2008-05-21 16:22:03.000000000 +0200
+++ src/sys/dev/usb/umass.c	2008-08-06 19:23:01.000000000 +0200
@@ -2690,7 +2690,7 @@
 		 * completed, when interrupts have been enabled.
-		callout_reset(&sc->cam_scsi_rescan_ch, MS_TO_TICKS(200),
+		callout_reset(&sc->cam_scsi_rescan_ch, MS_TO_TICKS(2000),
 		    umass_cam_rescan, sc);

Note that this patch is not a solution.  It's purpose is
to find out if the cause of your problem is the same as
the one in PR usb/80361.  If it is, the patch from the PR
should be committed (it introduces a quirk for cases like
this), and your USB stick should be added to the quirks

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

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