direct I/O access

rmgls at rmgls at
Tue May 29 18:27:55 UTC 2007

hi all,

Sorry for cross posting, but perhaps hackers is a better list than multimedia
for this topic.

i am trying to port my old assembler soft for Dos to FreeBSD.
i need to write and read directly to the midi and scsi device.
when i try something like this i receive a sigbus error

SORRY, i am NOT nor a C nor a FreeBSD expert!!!
all i know is Assembly language!

i made some search in the devel handbook and did not found the solution.
What is wrong here?
Can you enlight me please?

Many thanks in advance and bests regards

rmgls at


	.align 4
params:	.word 0x330,2,1 # midi port => enabling IO ???

	.align 4
	.global _start
	pushl	params
	pushl	$0x3
	movl	$0Xa5,%eax
	int	$0x80
	addl	$0x08,%esp
	movw	$0x331,%dx   #  status register
	inb	%dx,%al
# ...
	pushl	$0 # exit
	movl	$0x1,%eax
	int	$0x80

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