Debugging times

Victor Snezhko snezhko at
Mon Jul 16 09:57:33 UTC 2007

Ivan Voras <ivoras at> writes:

>> Also, this was a surprise to an unexperienced me, but I have also
>> found that vfs_mount initializes RTC with the latest timestamp found
>> on local file systems - this explains why kernel "worked" for Ivan on
>> a hard drive. It didn't actually work, but used timestamp which was
>> stored on filesystem during unmount.
> Wow - this is just astonishing - why would a file system have anything
> to do with the RTC?

Sorry, some sloppy wording on my part. That was system clock, not
RTC. The code which makes sure that system clock is initialized to
root fs timestamp is in vfs_mount.c since 1.34. Initially it was
commented as "sanity check". That might make some sense, although was
a surprise to me.

WBR, Victor V. Snezhko
E-mail: snezhko at

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