handling pdfs?

Chuck Robey chuckr at chuckr.org
Sun Dec 2 10:14:46 PST 2007

Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Giorgos Keramidas wrote:
>> On 2007-11-27 21:27, Chuck Robey <chuckr at chuckr.org> wrote:
>>> I need to read about 4 tons of some really sparse pdf specs.  I also
>>> have a rather inconvenient throwback: I feel hugely more at
>>> home-reading  documents in paper.  What I'd kind of like to do would
>>> be able to perform cut'n'paste among different pdfs, 5 pages here, 10
>>> pages there, until I put together maybe 100-200 pages, and sit back
>>> and read it. What I can't do is print just a few pages out of several
>>> 800-plus page specs, and perform paper cut'n'pasting.
>> If you find a way to 'save' only parts of a PDF document, i.e. pages
>> 5-10, 17 and 25 in a separate file, then the ``pdfjam'' port includes
>> a utility called ``pdfjoin'' :)
> /usr/local/bin/pdf2ps # ghostscript-gnu-7.07_15/+CONTENTS:bin/pdf2ps
> then gs allows printing of page numbers
> then print PS or
> 	 /usr/local/bin/ps2pdf # /usr/ports/print/ghostscript-gnu

Seeing as I start out with pdfs here, yo probably meant pdf2ps, not 
ps2pdf, right?  I will take another look at this, but in the past, when 
I have tried to use pdf2ps, it often would yield me pstscripts that 
couldn't be pages, for some reason.  Maybe that's an old, fixed bug?

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