unionfs in livecd?

Eygene Ryabinkin rea-fbsd at codelabs.ru
Mon Nov 13 17:04:35 UTC 2006

Erik, good day!

> So, how is unionfs? I heard it's still buggy especially if you mount multiple 
> memory devices.
At least in 6.2-BETA the original unionfs leads to random locks
for disk-based partitions. I can reproduce it in 15-30 minutes of
using unionfs-mounted filesystem.

> I found a link to a patch from the freesbie-projects website that somehow 
> patches the current.
> http://people.freebsd.org/%7Edaichi/unionfs/
> Should i use this?
The unionfs patchsets from Daichi Goto are very good, at least for
me: I've not expirienced any lockups since 6.1. So, you probably should
give it a try.

My usage of unionfs-mounted filesystems is connected with sequentially
serving large data transfers (about 2 Gb in a couple of minutes)
to a moderate number of clients (aroung 100). These transfers are
not frequent, but as they go they can produce a huge load spike to
a server's filesystem. Such spikes are definitely locking up the
filesystem with the original unionfs.

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