
Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Fri Nov 3 08:53:19 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-Nov-02 19:27:04 -0700, tech at wrote:
>I never said it was broken, just that the jre in the ports collection was. 
>It seems to be looking for something other than itself when you attempt a 
>make. Under the circumstances it seems it should be removed?

ports/java/jre is Java 1.1.8 - which is positively ancient.  It is no
longer possible to build it because it depends on FreeBSD 3.x binaries
which in turn rely on the compax3x port which is forbidden due to
multiple security vulnerabilities.

Yes, it probably should be deleted.  There are a number of ports in
a similar condition and they are being cleansed as a low-priority
task by at least one committer.

Peter Jeremy
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