Kernel call stack for dummies.

Attilio Rao asmrookie at
Wed May 24 12:53:45 PDT 2006

2006/5/24, R. Tyler Ballance <tyler at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> I've started the uphill battle to port FreeBSD's kernel to run
> "paravirtualized" (<--note the smart sounding vocabulary) on top of
> the L4/Iguana OS (Iguana is a very barebones OS developed by NICTA:
> On of the first steps is basically porting the lowest of low kernel
> calls such as those in sys/i386 sys/arm and sys/amd64 for example
> into sys/iguana to talk to iguana instead of actual hardware.
> One of the things I need to figure out is the order in which kernel
> calls are made on boot, so I can go through and reimplement them one
> by one (in order to spend as little time as possible going back and
> fixing other problems of mine), as suggested by Ben Leslie at NICTA.
> Is there a good overview of what's happening directly after boot in
> terms of the procedure in which functions are called right after the
> bootloader finishes it business?

I think that FreeBSD behaviour about this is not really suitable for a
L4 kernel since in the end all SYSINIT functions are called and maybe
implementing a workqueue like this is not the better solution for you


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