FLEX, was Re: Return value of malloc(0)

Thomas David Rivers rivers at dignus.com
Thu Jun 29 10:43:24 UTC 2006

"Randall Hyde" <randyhyde at earthlink.net>
> BTW, if anyone is intrested in the full FLEX source, it's part of the HLA
> (High Level Assembler) source package found here:
> http://webster.cs.ucr.edu/AsmTools/HLA/HLAv1.84/hlasrc.zip

Just wondering if those guys knew that IBM calls their mainframe assembler
the "High Level Assembler", which they abbreviate HLASM.

This isn't an x86 assembler like HLA - it's a z/Architecture 
(mainframe) assembler, very different beast indeed.

But - they may want to pick a new name, lest they incur the wrath
of IBM's lawyers.   I think IBM took that name in the 80s.

Also - it seems that 'webster.cs.ucr.edu' has gone missing
from DNS somehow; so I wasn't able to look at the source, although
I was able to look at the web pages thanks to Yahoo's cache.

	- Dave Rivers -

rivers at dignus.com                        Work: (919) 676-0847
Get your mainframe programming tools at http://www.dignus.com

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