Strange keyboard (viral?) behaviour

David S. Madole david at
Mon Jun 12 18:48:44 UTC 2006

Philip Lykke Carlsen wrote:
> Hm. A little more research seems to have narrowed it down a bit.
> Apparently the text come from my sisters windows pc and is transmitted 
> realtime to my freebsd machine, peculiar as it may sound. but at least now I 
> have the means to look at the problem more carefully.
> But I am still at a loss as to explain how it continued typing even after I 
> unplugged the network card (it's a laptop..), and how it was able to continue 
> even in singleuser mode before the network had been properly set up (let 
> alone plugged in at all).
Wireless keyboard on your sister's machine and your laptop just happens 
to have a compatible receiver built-in?


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