kern/99979: Get Ready for Kernel Module in C++

R. Tyler Ballance tyler at
Fri Jul 21 14:09:19 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

On Jul 20, 2006, at 1:04 AM, <pfgshield-freebsd at> <pfgshield- 
freebsd at> wrote:

> I went on to check that Embedded C++ that David Nugent mentioned,  
> and I found
> this:
> Acording to the Q&A section:
> "The goal of EC++ is to provide embedded systems programmers with a  
> subset of
> C++ that is easy for the average C programmer to understand and  
> use. The subset
> should offer upward compatibility with ISO/ANSI Standard C++ and  
> retain the
> major advantages of C++.
> To achieve the goal, several guidelines were established for  
> creating the
> subset such as avoiding excessive memory consumption (overhead) and  
> removing
> complex features." ...
> And also FWIW, I wouldn't object to having support for other languages
> (Objective C ? ), if someone has/finds modules that could use the  
> features.

I've been keeping track on this discussion, and I guess I'll toss my  
2 cents in here. Objective-C, while a wonderful smalltalk-ish  
language (I use it daily), is definitely not nearly as suitable as C+ 
+ for kernel modules, or embedded programming for that matter. The  
Core Audio framework on Mac OS X is mostly C++ for performance  
reasons, for example.

Objective-C's reliance on message passing is probably as suitable for  
kernel modules as C# via Mono is, the runtime is a bit too bloated  
IMHO and because of the inherent design the two languages they just  
aren't suited (again IMHO) for real time work, or performance  
dependent functionality.

Of course, if anybody has any links to anything performance intensive  
(audio code is the best example in my book) using either C# or ObjC  
then I will both be shocked and sickened ;)

I really can't think of support for any other languages that would be  
good to add, C & C++ cover most of what the rest of the world writes  
their lower level code in.


- -R. Tyler Ballance

Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin)


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