LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

Bob Richards bob at
Sun Jul 16 19:51:27 UTC 2006

Hi Folks:

I believe this is a "hacker" issue, at least any possible solution is.

I recently moved from Linux to FreeBSD as my primary work environment.
My development system of choice is FreePascal. I installed FPC-2.0.2
from the official FreePascal distribution tar ball, and all
compiled/installed without a hitch; all my CVS sources compile and run.

My next step was to install Lazarus, the FPC IDE, and here is where I
have run into troubles.

A tar-ball install ran well until Lazarus was being Linked. The errors were:

the following libraries were not found by ld: glib12, gdk12, and gtk12.

a grep -r in the FPC-2.0.2 source tree revealed the problems, in every
case of:

packages/extra/ glib, gtk, and  gdk the linklib statements were wrong thus:

 {$ifdef FreeBSD}
   {$linklib gtk12}

So, I created a patch to fix the above constructs to:

  {$ifdef FreeBSD}
     {$linklib gtk-12}

For all three libraries; since freebsd names these libraries with a "-"

I recompiled and reinstalled FPC-2.0.2 with the patches applied,
re-tested the compiler; all OK!

I went back to the Lazarus source tree gmake clean; gmake and received
the following error:

  Free Pascal Compiler version 2.0.2 [2006/07/14] for i386
  Copyright (c) 1993-2005 by Florian Klaempfl
  Target OS: FreeBSD/ELF for i386
  Compiling lazarus.pp
  Linking ../lazarus
  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgdk_pixbuf
  lazarus.pp(113,1) Error: Error while linking

a locate gdk_pixbuf finds: /usr/X11R6/lib/libgdk_pixbuf-2.0

So, at this point I just sym-linked my libgdk_pixbuf-2.0 to
libgdk_pixbuf: ln -s libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.a libgdk_pixbuf.a

and ran gmake again, only to produce:

Linking ../lazarus
In function `DATASOURCEINITIALIZE': undefined reference to `gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable'

Many many more "undefined reference" to something missing in  gdk_pixbuf.

so: freebsd's stock-installed gdk_pixbuf does not contain the functions
needed! So, I went to ports and found "ruby18-gdk_pixbuf2-0.14.1" a make
install provided "" but no "gdk_pixbuf2.a" !! I find it
odd that no provision is provided to link to this lib!

Funny! I moved away from Linux mainly because of Library-Hell issues :-)

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. I seem to have run
out of things to try here. Surely someone has successfully compiled
Lazarus on freebsd....


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