jails, cron and sendmail

Dirk Engling erdgeist at erdgeist.org
Sun Aug 27 03:34:27 UTC 2006

On Sat, 26 Aug 2006, Mike Meyer wrote:

> Except some of the things run from cron want to send mail all on their
> own, so fixing cron won't solve your problem.
> Why are you running cron inside the jails at all? Are you letting your
> users run it? If not, can you disable it, and instead run scripts from
> your real crontab that do the appropriate thigns in each jail?

It's not me, it's the OS running cron to do its periodic checks, per 
default. But Daniel Gerzo already pointed out, how to solve that.

Still: FreeBSD's /etc/ assumes and provides a working mail subsystem in 
its default configuration. That exposes sendmail to the publicly visible 
IP address. Shutting the mail sub system off causes trouble.

I hope, that describes my motivation to bring up the topic.


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