nvi for serious hacking

Peter Jeremy PeterJeremy at optushome.com.au
Wed Oct 19 13:27:39 PDT 2005

On Wed, 2005-Oct-19 12:59:04 -0700, Steve Watt wrote:
>In article <4352D860.000002.03681 at tide.yandex.ru> you write:
>>Does it have interface to gdb? And such other things..)
>I can't imagine why an editor should interface with gdb -- that's what
>other windows are for.

When stepping through code, it's nice to have the current line and
surrounding context automatically displayed (without clogging up your
gdb session with an extra 10-20 lines of output for each step).  It's
also nice to able to scroll back through your entire debugging session.

Peter Jeremy

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