Idea about 'skeleton jail

Chris Hodgins chodgins at
Sun Mar 13 03:59:04 PST 2005

Denis Shaposhnikov wrote:
>>>>>>"Frank" == Frank Knobbe <frank at> writes:
>  Frank> If you nullfs these directories, you loose the ability to
>  Frank> prune the jail. Pruning is part of system hardening. I'd
> May be it's better to use unionfs, so anybody can replace binaries
> with their stub version pre jail.

This might be a very stupid idea but how about a jailfs.  Now I don't 
know all that much about filesystem design so bear with me.  How about 
something like this:

# ls /usr/jail
fulljail smalljail fulljail.conf smalljail.conf
# cd /usr/jail/fulljail
# ls
dev etc home
# cat ../fulljail.conf
allow-all read-only


allow read-write

# cd ../smalljail
# ls
# cat ../smalljail.conf

allow read-only

allow read-write

# cd /usr/jail
# jail /usr/jail/fulljail fulljail /bin/sh /etc/rc
# jexec 1 ls
COPYRIGHT  boot compat  dist etc   lib      mnt   rescue  sbin   sys 
usr  bin cdrom  dev  entropy  home  libexec  proc  root  stand  tmp  var
# jail /usr/jail/smalljail smalljail /bin/sh 
# jexec 2 ls
bin usr home

SO the jail filesystem is configured at jail-creation time and uses the 
hosts files or jail files depending on the configuration.  Might have to 
pass the config file into the jail command.

As I said I am not an expert.  Mabye one of the experts could let me 
know what they think?


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