stf and shoebox NAT routers

Nick Sayer nsayer at
Fri Mar 11 11:16:38 PST 2005

Historically, I've used FreeBSD machines as NAT routers.

Call me a traitor if you must, but it's getting harder to justify not 
simply putting one of those little Linksys/Netgear/SMC/whatever NAT 
routers in place and having the FreeBSD machine be a server behind the 
box instead.

One of the last considerations remaining is IPv6.

Most boxes now have the concept of a "DMZ" host. They will, aparently, 
perform simple address substitution on the IP header for packets that 
arrive of an unknown protocol and send them to the DMZ host (living on 
the inside LAN - thus calling it a DMZ host is a bit of a misnomer, but 
that's a semantic debate for another occasion). This would be ideal for 
6to4 - incoming packets would simply arrive and be processed. The 
trouble appears to be the outgoing side. The machine's actual IPv4 
address is not the same as the *outside* IPv4 address, so one of two 
things is happening (I'm not sure which): Either the blanket prohibition 
on RFC-1918 addresses having anything to do with 6to4 is getting in the 
way, or stf0 having a "foreign" prefix (that is, a prefix that does not 
relate to a physical interface on the machine) is confusing it.

6to4 is the IPv6 connection solution I prefer. Is there any way stf can 
be taught to live behind an IPv4 NAT?

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