Rawsock bpf mambo jambo?

Alin-Adrian Anton aanton at spintech.ro
Tue Jan 25 07:20:39 PST 2005

DJF wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I've recently been looking into raw socket programming. However there's still a question that remains. Maybe it's just a case of RTFM, if so point me to a good manual on the topic. 
> The man pages indicate that you can do read and write operations with rawsock aswell as bpf. However, in all of the source codes I found, a raw socket was used to write to, and bpf was used to read from the interface.


Search for "raw_tcp.tgz" in that page.

> What's the advantage in using the rawsock bpf combination instead of
> bpf (or raw socket) only?

Depends on what best fits your development circumstances.

The paper I co-authored uses bpf for reading, and socket for writing.

> Thx in advance,
> 	dave

Alin-Adrian Anton
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