bin/76089: The "-n" option in /usr/bin/w is broken

Peter Jeremy PeterJeremy at
Sun Feb 13 22:16:28 PST 2005

On Sun, 2005-Feb-13 19:50:44 +0300, Sergey Matveychuk wrote:
>IMHO to be more robust, we should make utmp to hold an IP address 
>instead of a hostname and change all applications that use it. As bonus 
>it will fix a delay on login when resolving does not work. And last(1) 
>will show more useful IP address instead of changable hostname.

Depending on the environment, the IP address may be more changeable
than the hostname.  Definitely, in a DHCP or dialup environment, you
can't rely on the IP address at any time other than during the
session.  There is little (if any) benefit in logging the IP address
instead of the hostname.

Peter Jeremy

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