My wish list for 6.1

Ray Mihm ray.mihm at
Tue Dec 27 11:36:10 PST 2005

My wishes are:
        - Get MIPS arch working (plenty of MIPS based SoC in the market)
        - NUMA support (see what Solaris did or is doing),
        - Fold IMUNES changes in to the FreeBSD tree,
        - rwlocks (has this been done already?),
        - DDB MP support
        - Make ULE default. Extend ULE to support per Jail CPU time slices
(Solaris does this already with zones - way too cool).
        - native PCI-E support with QoS
        - 802.11 support for VAP and Mesh Networks (already available?)
        - make base (off-the-box) performance the best among all OSs.

        Wish everyone a great 2006.


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