sshd dieing? after applying FreeBSD-SA-03:12.openssh

Eric Anderson anderson at
Wed Apr 20 06:18:52 PDT 2005

Steven Hartland wrote:
> Sorry I don't remember the solution we came up with. It was a long time
> ago. I think it was to do with DNS invalid / broken DNS or something
> like that but I couldn't say for sure.
>    Regards
>    Steve
> ----- Original Message ----- From: <Devon at Jovi.Net>
>> This trouble hit me yesterday, 2005 Apr 19 Tue, Google led me to
>> someone else with the exact same trouble.  What use to ask the net
>> if nobody publishes an ANSWER?  A good netizen does the right thing.
>> By citing the original question, I create a link to a possible answer.

I seem to remember updating the /etc/named/named.root file on a box, and that 
fixed it for me.. I can't recall for sure, but you might give that a shot.


Eric Anderson        Sr. Systems Administrator        Centaur Technology
A lost ounce of gold may be found, a lost moment of time never.

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