core dump submissions with send-pr?

nahthan subramanian nahthan666 at
Fri Apr 15 17:46:22 PDT 2005

  I have a few recent 5.3 panics I would like to submit.  send-pr always bails telling me that it is
out of space, despite the fact that the local filesystems have plenty of space free:
pixie# send-pr -a ./backtrace -a ./uname-output -a ./messages -a ./sysctl-a-output -a ./dmesg.output -a ./GENERIC -a ./SMP -a /u/nate/proj/FreeBSD/crashes/bldf2.eng/vmcore.0.gz
/usr/bin/send-pr: Out of space

What is the proper method for submitting cores along with backtraces to the FreeBSD development team?  Is it useful to submit cores, or is the backtrace sufficient?
Thank you,

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