How the experts do it? (kernel dev)

Brian Fundakowski Feldman green at
Tue Apr 5 15:03:02 PDT 2005

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 07:37:22AM +0000, klowd9 - wrote:
> I would like to setup a virtual machine for developing and debugging the 
> kernel, perhaps with the possibility of debugging from the host os to the 
> guest system.
> Which software would best suite this: vmware, bochs, qemu ?
> Keep in mind my host os will be FreeBSD 5.4. So whatever runs best on that.
> Also, How would i setup the system, so at boot i could choose between two 
> kernels?
> One would be my Safe working kernel. And one would be constantly modifed 
> and recompiled.
> Then i could easily switch between the two at boot time.
> Is there any easier way to test if a kernel works, other then running the 
> whole boot process on a system?
> Could i do my kernel testing on a virtual macined minibsd, or is that a 
> different type of kernel and will not be valid in relation to freebsd?
> If you use a better or more efficient method for testing new kernel code, 
> please write it here also.

I have a fair bit of experience using FreeBSD as a host and a guest
within VMWare and was pretty happy with it.  The methodology you describe
is pretty standard fare, unless you're developing code as a kernel
module, and manage to keep out bugs that would cause instability during
the development process... that can definitely cut down development

Brian Fundakowski Feldman                           \'[ FreeBSD ]''''''''''\
  <> green at                               \  The Power to Serve! \
 Opinions expressed are my own.                       \,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\

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