My experience with cpufreq in -STABLE

Frank Behrens frank at
Mon Apr 4 12:19:37 PDT 2005

Bruno Ducrot <ducrot at> wrote on 4 Apr 2005 19:17:
> On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 06:45:17PM +0200, Frank Behrens wrote:
> > 3. I want to ask the question: Are there are other, more 
> > sophisticated programs to control the current cpu frequency? 
> You may start looking at src/usr.sbin/powerd in -current, and improve it
> a bit?  The actual algorithm used in powerd may need some rework IMHO.

Thanks for this hint. powerd compiles on -stable immediately without 
warnings. It is very interesting for me to see, that the base 
structure of powerd is nearly the same as I wrote. :-) 
So I will give it a try.

Frank Behrens, Osterwieck, Germany
PGP-key 0x5B7C47ED on public servers available.

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