X-Authentication-Warning ???? How to fix this?

Nexohrion (JeanPaul) (Webmaster AT Shizukana.net) webmaster at shizukana.net
Mon Apr 4 07:16:14 PDT 2005


Can you tell me how to fix this error?

X-Authentication-Warning: xemmen.raisingfire.net: nobody set sender to
nexohrion at raisingfire.net using -f

I got banned in CBL because of this

I run IMAPD, POPA3D, and PostFix,
My mail scanner is ClamAV with Clamsmtpd.

I get this error only if I mail with squirrelmail
So this should be a sendmail error...

How can I fix this?

Regards, Nexohrion

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