Feature request (pam/nss ldap, nsswitch ldap integration)

Eric Masson e-masson at kisoft-services.com
Sat Oct 30 04:35:27 PDT 2004

>>>>> "DES" == Dag-Erling Smørgrav <des at des.no> writes:

 DES> Sure, provided you know which realm you're in...

Dhcp, maybe ?

 DES> Ideally, I'd like to be able to install FreeBSD on a desktop box
 DES> in a Windows shop and have it Just Work[tm] with Active Directory
 DES> and Kerberos authentication.

Nice goal, It would be really handy.

Eric Masson

 «Ca te derange ??? Je fait ce que je veut si ca te plait pas tu vas
 ailleurs gros c,, Mis a part ca si quelqun voulait bien me repondre
 ce serais sympa.» 
 TOTO in Guide du linuxien pervers : "Bien préparer sa repartie"

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