List of fake vs. real SATA drives.

Charles Sprickman spork at
Mon Nov 22 19:19:43 GMT 2004

On Mon, 22 Nov 2004, [ISO-8859-1] João Carlos Mendes Luís wrote:

> What is the practical diference?  Performance?

I don't know how much of it to believe, since it is marketing material, 
but the Seagate white paper on their site claims that all the 
command-queueing stuff brings the performance very close to that of scsi.

This last weekend I put together a box with a 3Ware SATA RAID controller 
and two of the Seagate drives.  The controller is probably a bit of a 
bottleneck, but that sucker was still incredibly fast for the price (about 
$300 for the controller, $100 for for each of the two Seagate 160GB 
drives).  At $2 per mirrored gigabyte, I'm not complaining.


> FUJISHIMA Satsuki wrote:
>> Currently native SATA drives are still not so popular. There are:
>> Seagate Barracuda ATA V, 7200.7, 7200.8
>> Maxtor DiamondMax10, MaXLineIII
>> Fujitsu MHT20xxBH(2.5 inch)
>> Any other drives (as far as I know, of course) are ATA drive with
>> serial-parallel bridge.
>> At Fri, 19 Nov 2004 12:36:43 -0500,
>> David Gilbert wrote:
>>> Is there anyone compiling a list of "fake" vs. "real" SATA drives?
>>> The difference being "fake" drives with ATA-100 electronics and an
>>> SATA to ATA conversion chip vs. drives that really support SATA
>>> natively?
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