EHCI Kernel Panic w/ 5.2.1-RELEASE Kernel

Ryan Sommers ryans at
Mon Nov 1 07:21:28 PST 2004

Martin Nilsson wrote:

> Martes Wigglesworth wrote:
>> My kernel panic seems to come from the usb port actually having a device
>> in the port, at boot.  When I do not have a device in the port, bootup
>> continues, however, my usb ports are not usable.  This is my dmesg
>> output.
> I have the same problem with a SeverWorks P3 machine and a 7in1 USB 
> cardreader. It panics at the end of kernel init if the cardreader is 
> plugged into the machine. This machine does not have EHCI controller 
> or USB 2.0
> I don't know if this considered a showstopper for 5.3R but it can be 
> very confusing if you don't know what is causing the panic! Not a good 
> first FreeBSD experience!

I don't think this constitutes a show stopper. A show stopper would be 
if a bug in sysinstall caused it to zero all your harddrives regardless 
of your desires.

Ryan Sommers
ryans at

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