Wanted: Example tar files

Tim Kientzle kientzle at freebsd.org
Tue May 18 16:25:29 PDT 2004

Tim Kientzle wrote:
> In order to test bsdtar's automatic format detection and
> support for variant tar formats, I'm looking for sample
> archives generated by a variety of tar programs.

By popular demand, I've created a shell script that
builds a directory with a variety of interesting
and unusual things in it.  The script is called
"TarTest.sh" and it can be downloaded from:


Note that this script does some pretty obscure and
sometimes unpleasant things.  Expect to do a
little editing to get it to work on your system,
and expect to experiment a bit with tar options
to try to find a way to get your tar program to
archive as many of the details as possible.

Thanks in advance for all your help,

Tim Kientzle

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