5.2.1-p9 SMP kernel panic

Hugo Silva klr at 6s-gaming.com
Fri Jul 30 09:35:20 PDT 2004


I am getting a panic on a 5.2.1-p9 Dual Xeon 3.0ghz w/ SMP enabled. The
panic always happens during high loads (create a new jail, compile
something, etc) I know another user had this problem a while ago, and
adding an option to the kernel solved his problem.

But I can't locate this thread (could by freebsd-archives, but doesnt
contain the reply I saw the last time, must have read it somewhere else)

Does anyone know what is the magic option I have to add to the kernel to
prevent these panics? I can't give details about the panic (datacenter
still didn't mail me a copy of the text), but I'm pretty sure it's due to
high loads -- I stopped seti at home and let the server idle, it's been up
for 3 days when it wouldn't be up for more than 24 hours.

Thanks in advance!



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