concurrent scp transfers (and a testing methodology ?)

NicolasBérard Nault nicobn at
Tue Jul 6 08:42:35 PDT 2004

I think the "divide by two" methodology would be flawed because packets
would circulate on local loopback which is must faster than Ethernet. More
transferts would be possible in a long period of time because of that.

Joe Schmoe said:
> I have read several documents on the number of
> concurrent  https sessions a FreeBSD system is capable
> of.
> However, I wonder how well this relates to how many
> ssh sessions (scp file transfers, specifically) that a
> FreeBSD server can handle.  Can anyone throw out some
> basic numbers for this ?  Assuming a 1ghz p3 and 2gigs
> of RAM, and assuming that everyone is transferring a
> totally different file.  (so there is no amount of
> cache hits - everything comes straight off the drives)
> I would think the major bottleneck would be disk - you
> would start chugging the disks far before you used up
> all the CPU on a 1ghz p3 ... but what is the second
> bottleneck ?  Is it cpu, or is it ram (or mbufs, etc.)
> Would it be a reasonable test to just start up scp
> sessions from the machine to itself and then divide
> the number of sessions you can acceptably create by
> the number 2 ?  Or is this somehow a flawed test ?
> Any additional comments (kernel tunes, settings, war
> stories) are greatly appreciated. (like, does SMP help
> a lot here, or just a little ?)
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Nicolas Bérard Nault (nicobn at

"Je ne sais pas avec quelles armes se combattra la troisième guerre
mondiale mais je peux vous assurer que la quatrième se combattra avec des
pierres et des bâtons." -- Albert Einstein.

Nicolas Bérard Nault (nicobn at

"Je ne sais pas avec quelles armes se combattra la troisième guerre
mondiale mais je peux vous assurer que la quatrième se combattra avec des
pierres et des bâtons." -- Albert Einstein.

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