Adaptec 1210SA SATA RAID - need help

Clau clau at
Wed Jan 7 06:49:59 PST 2004


I have this problem with an Adaptec 1210SA S-ATA RAID controller...
I want to install FreeBSD 5.1 but it doesn't work with the controller.
5.1 crashes in sysinstall, when probing for devices. I don't know exactly
why, but this happens even if the controller is out of the computer.
maybe because it doesn't find any hdd ?
ok, I got then 5.2RC2 boot floppies, and this doesn't crash, but still
it doesn't identify the raid controller, it see 2 hdd.
I installed the base system on one of them, and unfortunatly I cannot 
boot it.
Please help me with any suggestion.
I don't really care about the hardware raid, I only wish that i could 
and boot from one of the drives.
Will JBOD mode help me in any way ?

I am waiting for any suggestions...
If I can't solve this problem, I will be forced to use linux, or I will 
another person taking care of the server, by installing windows :(

Thank you very much.

Claudiu Dragalina-Paraipan.
e-mail: clau at

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