having trouble with sshd

Marek Denis marek at core.staszic.eu.org
Wed Feb 25 03:48:14 PST 2004

On Wed, Feb 25, 2004 at 06:25:22PM +0800, Ganbold wrote:
> Hi,
> Today I just updated source using cvsup. I'm using FreeBSD 5.2-current.
> I compiled and installed source and new kernel.

 5.2-current? So, what is in your tag in cvsup config?
Cause I have  tag=RELENG_5_2 and yesterday cvsuped anll the docs, sources
and made world and everything works fine.

> However I'm having trouble login using ssh. I see sshd_config is not 
> different than previous one.
> When I debug sshd using sshd -d -p 2401 and tried to log on it says 
> Password Authentication disabled.
> Before update sshd was working just fine.
> I set PasswordAuthentication yes in sshd_config file and everything is 
> worked fine.
> However what is the default authentication method in new sshd? Should I 
> change every time after update sshd_config file?

No, everything should work fine...

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