working(?) 4.10-R + gcc-3.3.5 + binutils-2.15

Edward B. Dreger eddy+public+spam at
Sun Dec 12 01:43:30 PST 2004

EBD> Date: Sun, 12 Dec 2004 07:31:53 +0000 (GMT)
EBD> From: Edward B. Dreger

EBD> 	* Force binutils OUTPUT_FORMAT to "elf32-i386" to match stock
EBD> 	  4.10-R, lest I must make world due to binutils' default
EBD> 	  "elf32-i386-freebsd".  AFAICT, I did this correctly, but
EBD> 	  wouldn't yet bet large sums of money on it.

One probably should "make world" anyway.  So far ipfw has required a
rebuild with the new toolchain.  (No, it was not IPFW1/IPFW2 mismatch.)

Now testing the new kernel,
Everquick Internet -
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