My project wish-list for the next 12 months

Garrett Wollman wollman at
Wed Dec 1 23:18:56 PST 2004

[Cc list trimmed]

<<On Thu, 2 Dec 2004 07:55:30 +0100, Miguel Mendez <flynn at> said:

> The lack of speed in some apps can be blamed mostly on the toolkits.

I'll second that.

> GTK+ 1.2 was a speed demon, GTK+ 2.x is a lot slower.

And either one is an enormous hog compared to Athena widgets.  (This
is something of an accomplishment, since people have been complaining
about the efficiency of Xt since it was first released nearly 20 years
ago.  All the credit goes to Gordon Moore: X was slow on a 1-MIPS
MicroVAX or Sun-2 workstation.)

I spend almost all of my time in two applications: xterm and emacs.
Both once set records for obscene memory consumption on an earlier
generation of systems.


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