shared memory in jails

Dmitry Karasik dmitry at
Fri Aug 27 08:18:52 PDT 2004

Hi hackers,

I've been playing with shared memory in jails, and very soon found
out that one jail's segments are visible (didn't check the accesibility
thoroughly) in another, which IMO is against the very idea of the jail.
( The exact problem is that postgresqls, when run in jails, try to use same
set of IPC keys and (expectedly) fail ).

I'm not really sure if the issue was already discussed, but even if it
wasn't, I wonder if anything can be done to fix the problem. I think I 
am myself able to hack sys/kern/sysv_shm.c and around, but what I do not know
is the extent of the area that should be affected by the proper solution.

Do you have any ideas or comments on this?


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