Ugly Huge BSD Monster

Ricardo Mesquita ricardomesquita at
Mon Sep 1 13:04:07 PDT 2003

Greg Shenaut wrote:
> In nuntio <20030901132021.F11735 at>, Chris Dillon divulgat:
>>I break as many depedencies as I possibly can out of a particular
>>piece of software into separate distribution packages with their own
>>dependency chains.  The FreeBSD ports/packages system just happens to
>>already do this to a high degree, because it is a good idea.
> Has it ever been suggested to create one or more "dependencies"
> ports (or more to the point, packages)?  I think it might be pretty
> useful to have something like that so that all of the "prerequisites"
> can be installed at once.
> Greg Shenaut

/usr/ports/misc/instant-workstation ?

that will install almost all deps you ever going to need =:)

ricardo mesquita

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