4.9 KLDload error

Jin Guojun [NCS] j_guojun at lbl.gov
Sat Nov 8 11:38:25 PST 2003

Robert Watson wrote:

>On Fri, 7 Nov 2003, Jin Guojun [NCS] wrote:
>>A KLD module ncs_time_ctl.ko compiled on both 4.8 and 4.9 hosts can be
>>loaded by kldload on any 4.8 machine. But neither .ko files can be
>>loaded on a 4.9 machine.  The error is: 
>>4.9 # kldload -v ./ncs_time_ctl.ko
>>kldload: can't load ./ncs_time_ctl.ko: Exec format error
>>kldload should give more error information on what function it failed to load.
>>Is this possible a 4.9 bug in kldload? or does some KLD mechanism has
>>been changed in 4.9-RELEASE?  Is there any way to analyze what is wrong
>>in the 4.9 LKD system? 
>Unfortunately, the UNIX "errno" mechanism isn't very expressive.  However,
>the kernel linker will send debugging output to the system console.  Check
>dmesg and see if there's more information there.  Typically, this error
>will be the result of a failure to link symbols in the module: either due
>to a symbol already present, or a missing dependency.  To debug this
>further, look at the console output, and also compare the output of "nm" 
>on the .ko built on 4.8 and 4.9 to see if its dependencies or exposed
>symbols have changed.
>Robert N M Watson             FreeBSD Core Team, TrustedBSD Projects
>robert at fledge.watson.org      Network Associates Laboratories
dmesg actually tells the missing function in patched kernel.
 "make depend & make" did NOT recompile the patched code somehow under 4.9.
Removing the object code and recompiling the kernel fixed the problem.
I will look into it to see what causes this compile problem.


------------ Jin Guojun ----------- v --- j_guojun at lbl.gov ---
Distributed Systems Department		http://www.itg.lbl.gov/~jin
M/S 50B-2239				Ph#:(510) 486-7531 Fax: 486-6363
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,	Berkeley, CA 94720

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