hsf/hcf conexant winmodem support?

Nick Hilliard nick-list at netability.ie
Fri May 2 03:46:23 PDT 2003

> This question has come up before but I lost the URL.  I belive someone
> (I think in .jp) had done a port of the Linux conexant hsf/hcf 
> winmodem drivers.  Anyone have a pointer to that?  The Linux code is
> at:
>   http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/

I think you might be confusing this with the lucent winmodem driver,
which is in the ports.  To my knowledge, there is no port of the
Conexant drivers.  Several people have attempted to contact Linuxant and
its predecessor, MBSI, about porting the code, but there has been little
or no response from them.

There are a number of problems with the code: it would be a lot more
difficult to port to 4.x than 5.x due to dependence on various kernel
functionality.  It also uses FP in the kernel - although to be fair, it
looks like all FP code is suitably wrapped with os specific functions.

Also, Linuxant changed the license a couple of weeks ago so that beta
drivers are now not freely redistributable under a bsd-style license,
and that reverse engineering is not allowed.  As they only have beta
drivers available, this is a pain in the butt.

It should be possible to port the code. There are several portions to
it: the actual driver is provided in obj format and for the most part
uses scrambled function names so that you can't tell what it's doing.
There are a bunch of external symbols which refer to os-specific code,
which is provided in the linux port.  Most of what's going on has
equivalent functionality in the 5.x kernel.

It looks like Linuxant have access to the driver source-code, because
some of the function calls start with _Linux and do linuxy-kernel
stuff.  This makes the code more difficult to port, because you're
starting off with more linux dependence.


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