How to delete unix socket entries

Varshavchick Alexander alex at
Wed Jun 25 01:29:24 PDT 2003

On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Lev Walkin wrote:

> > The problem is that the process which opened them was already killed long
> > time ago, these entries resembles zombi because they seem to exist
> > by themselves, not connected with any file or process.
> Either these processes are running, or they're dead. In the former case,
> they could not be zombies by definition. If they're dead, then the process
> which spawned them is NOT killed. Otherwise, init(8) would have taken them
> as parent and wait(2)'ed them so they would be destroyed completely along
> with their traces in ps(1).
> So, the only sane method of removing them would be to find the parent of
> these processes and kill -9 it, as suggested by Terry.

But we're talking not about process, but about data structures which
netstat reports to be active and connected with the above mentioned stream
socket file:

> netstat -f unix

b65d6280 stream     17      0        0        0        0        0 /var/run/daemon.sock
b65d7700 stream     17      0        0        0        0        0 /var/run/daemon.sock

I meant that these addresses behave like zombies, not processes.

Alexander Varshavchick, Metrocom Joint Stock Company
Phone: (812)118-3322, 118-3115(fax)

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