Using Newer Version of GCC on 4.8

Tim Kientzle kientzle at
Fri Jun 13 10:38:34 PDT 2003

cd_freebsd wrote:

> I am currently developing on FreeBSD 4.8 with gcc 2.95.3. Is

> there any problem upgrading to a newer version of GCC to use

> for compiling device drivers? I want to get unnamed structure support.

It _might_ work, but keep in mind that compiling the kernel
(or even kernel modules)  with anything other than the provided
system compiler is _untested_ and _unsupported_.  There is a real possibility
that things will break in mysterious and difficult-to-diagnose ways.

If you're willing to break the kernel just to get unnamed
structures, try -CURRENT.  ;-)

Tim Kientzle

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