Webkit-gtk2 causes Gnome2 build failure

Ken Paquette ken.paquette at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 07:13:55 UTC 2013

I'm on FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE amd64, setting up a new system, immediately
after the first portsnap extract. X11/gnome2 is the first port I'm trying
to build, and I get an error <http://pastebin.com/06S0ifAx> during the
www/webkit-gtk2 build prompted by yelp.

This issue seems to have cropped up on the main webkit bug reporting
and resolved/ committed<https://bug-92264-attachments.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=154643>,
but this was months prior to a more recent update to the FreeBSD port. I am
new to FreeBSD and Linux and don't know how to apply the patch from July

I have tried looking for this issue elsewhere, only seeing one mention
of it<http://mail-index.netbsd.org/pkgsrc-users/2012/08/01/msg016816.html>
NetBSD which linked to the same Webkit bug report. Unfortunately, the
FreeBSD forum pages have given me Error 324 for the last few days, as if
the site was down or moving. I may have picked a really bad time to get
going with FreeBSD.


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