Need a bit of help with libgio

Ronald F. Guilmette rfg at
Tue May 8 03:17:30 UTC 2012

I am trying to debug a problem with the gthumb application, and I'm stuck
and failing to make progress because I have been unable to determine what
the function g_vfs_get_file_for_uri is actually supposed to do, i.e. when
it is actually operating normally.  (And on my system at least, I am not
at all persuaded that it is actually operating normally at the present time.)

I'm looking at this page:

and, um, not to put too fine a point on it, but the documentation there
of the intended functionality provided by the library function
g_vfs_get_file_for_uri is... well... rather entirely underwhelming,
if not to say downright opaque.

Is there by any chance an actual (and more complete) man page for this
thing lying around somehere that I should be looking at?

In the absence of that, I'd sure like to find someone (anyone) who might be
able to help me to figure out why the the g_app_info_launch_default_for_uri
funtion is refusing to do anything useful when it is passed the URI
"ghelp:gthumb" and why it appears provide to its caller (in cases of
failure) only the rather entirely unhelpful error string "Operation not
supported".  (What the operation in question was and/or why it is "not
supported" is apparently left as an exercise... in clairvoyance... for
the caller.)

Please excuse me and ignore this message if g_vfs_get_file_for_uri is
not in fact related to the Gnome project.  I may be mistaken in thinking
that it is due to the fact that I found the above (rather unhelpful)
``manual'' page on the server named  (I put the
word ``manual'' in quotes here because I believe the web page in question
does that stretch the bounds of what might reasonably be referred to as a
``manual''.  Traditionally, manuals and/or man pages have customarily
provided at least some useful information regading functionality.  This
does not appear to be the case for the ``manual'' page at the URL given
above however.)


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